Remission and Re-Mission

I hope that you and yours are enjoying a happy and healthy summer together. It is deeply meaningful to know that so many of you have included me in your prayers through this most difficult season of my life. Thank you beyond words.

The results of a recent PET scan identifies no trace of cancer in my body. I am profoundly grateful. It breaks my heart that many of the people with which I have shared a waiting room may not experience the same outcome. Chances are that your family has been impacted by this dreaded disease. Please join me in prayer for children, women, and men, living with cancer.

Though doctors will be watching me like a hawk for the foreseeable future, it is thrilling to have recovered enough from disease and treatments to ease back into work/service. One of the most challenging aspects of my extreme illness and treatments has been accepting the required disconnect from others. I am so thankful to report that our Laughing Child team did an extraordinary job in my absence. Though confident that they would thrive, I did sorely miss the privilege of actively serving alongside them. I can only hope that the “territory” of my heart for those facing severe and/or terminal illnesses has been expanded by my personal experience. I hope and pray that this difficult journey will in some way have relevance for our hurting families.

Thank you for your prayers as I reluctantly pace myself, still in recovery, toward full ministry engagement. One of the most necessary jobs that I have is to raise prayer and financial support for Laughing Child. While our team in Mexico brilliantly serves in hands-on outreach to the families in our care, my job is to tell the story and ask others to pray and give as Father leads. I am faced with finding a new “voice” to invite others to join in support of what Father is doing through Laughing Child. This is especially challenging for me as public speaking and singing have always been my primary means of communication. Please pray that I will discern and discover Father’s creativity to provide for His mission of love in Mexico through Laughing Child. Thank you for your incredible support!



Celebrating Life


Personal health and Laughing Child Update