New Field Director
Dear Laughing Child Family,
I pray that you and your family are emerging from pandemic times with good health and bright hope for better days ahead. Thank you for praying for me and for Laughing Child through this especially challenging period.
Mexico is lagging greatly behind the USA in Covid vaccinations. Thus, our access to children, and their families, is still extremely limited. That being said, Laughing Child is making headway with our Family Bridge Initiative. You may remember that this new ministry focuses on strengthening relationships between the siblings of special needs children and their parents/guardians. This innovative approach provides unique opportunities to enrich the lives of whole families for Christ.
The most significant development toward the implementation of Family Bridge was constructed at a recent face to face meeting with Dr. Olivia in Mexico City. You may remember that Dr. Olivia was the Director of our primary ministry partner for 5 years of program at Camp. Her leadership and friendship have been instrumental in every stage of our growth in ministry. Her early retirement has coincided with the initiation of our new Family Bridge Initiative. I am beyond thrilled to report that she has agreed to be the principal consultant for the development of our new program—her work has already started. The significance of this blessing (her availability and willingness to serve with us) cannot be overstated. Please be in prayer for her as she lays a firm foundation for Laughing Child in Mexico City.
Thank you so much for your loving and faithful support of this ministry. It is such an honor to partner with you as an extension of Father’s Great Commission heart for our hurting neighbors. Please agree with Our Provider to meet the increasing financial needs of this ministry moving forward. You are a blessing to me and to many!
Much Love,